View Other Inboxes

Within SafeSend Exchange, you can view other users' inboxes as if they were your own. When viewing another user's inbox you can see their messages and download files from their messages. To access another's mailbox, that user first has to give you access. 

Please note:

System Administrators can access any user's inbox at any time. 

Give Another User Access to Your Mailbox

This feature must be enabled for each user in their personal settings section. You can then select which users have access to your inbox. 

  1. Click the Profile icon in the top right corner. 
  2. Click My Settings
  3. Click Mailbox Delegation
  4. Toggle the Enable other users to access my Mailbox option On
  5. Click the checkbox to the left of the user's name to give them access to your mailbox. 
    • Select the All checkbox to select all users. 
  6. Click Apply to save any changes made. 

View Other Inboxes.png

Accessing another User's Inbox

The steps below will allow you to view other users' inboxes and DRL Requests. 

  1. Click the Delegate icon in the top right corner.
    • You will see a list of all users who have given you access to view their mailboxes.
  2. Click the User whose mailbox you wish to view. 
    • Utilize the search bar to search for the user's name. 

A new tab will open for that user's inbox. You will see a green banner across the top of the page letting you know you are viewing another inbox.

View other inboxes- 2.png

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