Client Experience: Upload Documents

Your firm will provide a drop-off link you can use to securely upload and deliver documents to them. The document transfer is fully encrypted and safe to use. 

Please note:

The maximum amount of data that can be sent via a drop off link is 3GB.

Documents can be downloaded to a mobile device, laptop, desktop or tablet.

Drop-Off Links are not currently compatible with mobile devices. Documents can be uploaded from a laptop, desktop, or tablet. 

  1. Click the drop-off link provided by the firm.
    • This will typically appear in their email signature.
  2. Enter your Email address. 
  3. Enter your First Name
  4. Enter your Last Name
  5. Click the Remember Me checkbox to have your email address and name auto-populate the next time you use a drop-off link. 
  6. Ensure the document is being sent to the correct Recipient.
    • Click the recipient field to select a different recipient.  
  7. Type a Subject for the message. 
  8. Type a Body for the message. 
  9. Click Attach File(s) to select the document(s) to upload. 
  10. Click Send to generate an access code. Upload files via drop off.png
  11. Enter the access code sent to your email address. 
  12. Click Authenticate to send the document(s) to the firm. 

Upload file access code.png

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