

  • Total activity 44
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Latest activity by Annie-M
  • Annie M. created an article,

    Access Exchange in New Outlook®

    Follow the steps in our Download and Install the Outlook® Add-in article for installation instructions.  Enable in New Outlook After the add-in is installed, you can enable it in New Outlook®.  ...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Outlook® My Portal Inbox Grayed Out

    The Reading Pane must be enabled in Outlook® and a message must be selected to use the plugin. If the reading pane is disabled or a message is not selected, the My Portal Inbox button will be gray ...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Outlook® Add-In Loading or Replicated Attachments

     If the Outlook® Add-in is continually loading, or message or attachments are being replicated, you may need to clear your site data in Outlook® to correct the issue.  If the SafeSend Exchange Add-...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Unable to Add Outlook® Add-in

    To get the Outlook® Add-in, please see our Download and Install the Outlook® Add-in article.  If you are unable to manage or add add-ins, please see the troubleshooting steps below. If this does no...

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  • Annie M. created an article,


    The Mailbox section functions like the mailboxes in a standard email service.  You can view sent and received messages as well as download documents. Items will stay in these folders until they are...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Add a Drop Off Link to Your Outlook® Email Signature

    A Drop-Off link is an easy and secure way for your clients to send files to you and fellow firm members. No login or account is required for the client. For more information about Drop Off link set...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Resend Access Link

    Document recipients may lose or accidentally delete the email that contains their access link. Access links can be resent from your Sent mailbox or from the Message History Report.  Sent Mailbox  ...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Client Experience: Download Documents

    Your firm will provide an access link via email you can use to download documents sent to you. The document transfer is fully encrypted and safe to use. Email will be sent from noreply@safesendretu...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    Composing a New Secure Message From the Outlook® Plug-In

    Secure messages can be sent to any email address from Outlook® using the SafeSend Exchange plug-in. You can enter a message for the recipient and choose the authentication method required (if firm ...

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  • Annie M. created an article,

    My Settings

    Each logged-in user has their own unique settings that can be edited and saved. Important Editing options in this menu can be restricted by a System Administrator. For more information about firm-...

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