My Settings

Each logged-in user has their own unique settings that can be edited and saved.


Editing options in this menu can be restricted by a System Administrator. For more information about firm-wide settings, see the Admin Settings article. 

Access My Settings

  1. Click the More menu in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Click My Settings


Authentication Questions

Create, edit, and set default questions for your profile if firm settings allow. 

Please note:

You will only be able to edit and delete questions that are created through your My Settings. Firm questions can only be deleted in the Admin Settings. 

  1. Click Authentication Questions
  2. Click Add New Question to add a new question.
    • This question will only be available for the logged-in user.
  3. Click the Delete icon to delete selected questions. 
  4. Hover over a question to display editing options.
  5. Click Set as Default to make that question the default for all logged-in users.
  6. Click Apply to save changes.

Authentication questions.png

Message Options 

Authentication Method 

Set a default authentication method for your profile if firm settings allow it. 

  1. Click Message Options
  2. Click Authentication Method to expand the authentication settings menu. 
  3. Click the Default Method drop-down to select the default authentication method when you compose messages. 
  4. Click Apply to save changes. 

Message Options-Authentication method.png

Retention Period 

Set default retention periods for your profile if firm settings allow it. 

  1. Click Message Options
  2. Click Retention Period to expand the authentication settings menu. 
  3. Click the Question and Answer drop-down to select the default retention period for items sent using the Question and Answer authentication method. 
  4. Click the Access Code drop-down to select the default retention period for items sent using the Question and Answer authentication method. 
  5. Click Apply to save changes. 

Message Options- Retention.png

Drop Off Links

Set which drop-off link will appear at the bottom of mail notifications if your firm allows it. 

  1. Click Message Options.
  2. Click Drop Off Links.
  3. Select the Drop-off Link drop-down. 
    • Company- The default recipient for the company drop-off link is applied in the Admin Settings
    • Personal- Your personal drop-off link must be enabled for this option to be available. 
    • None- If this option is selected, no drop-off link will be available in mail notifications. 
  4. Click Apply to save changes. 

Message Options- Drop off links.png

Notifications Options 

Here you can set the default notification options for your documents if allowed by your firm. See the Admin Settings article for more information about allowing users to change this setting. 


Choose whether or not users and clients receive document expiration emails. 

  1. Click Message Options.
  2. Click Notification Options
  3. Toggle Notify recipients when file(s) are about to expire to On to enable expiration email notifications. 
  4. Click Apply

Message options- Expire notifications.png


Choose whether or not users and clients receive download notifications.

  1. Click Message Options.
  2. Click Notification Options
  3. Toggle Notify recipients when file(s) are about to expire to On to enable expiration email notifications. 
  4. Click Apply

Message options- Download Notifications.png

Mailbox Delegation 

Allow other users to view your mailbox. See the View Other Inboxes article for more information. 

  1. Click Mailbox Delegation
  2. Toggle the Enable other users to access my Mailbox option On
  3. Click the checkbox to the left of each user's name to give them access to your mailbox.
    • Select All checkbox to select all users.  
  4. Click Apply to save changes. 

Mailbox delegation.png

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