Exchange Settings Overview

The Settings menu allows firm administrators to update and save global default settings and permissions for Exchange.

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Admin Settings section.
  1. Click Settings in the left hand panel to open the settings menu. 


Message Options

Here you can select what authentication methods and retention periods that users can set.

Authentication Method 

This will set the default authentication methods for all users within Exchange.


When the method box is blue, this indicates it is a valid selection when sending a new secure mail. When clicking on an authentication method you can make the selection white which means it will not be a valid selection for users in your firm.  

  1. Click Message Options.
  2. Click Authentication Method to expand the authentication settings menu.  
  3. Click the Set as default button On to change the firm-wide default authentication method. 
  4. Toggle Allow employees to change Authentication Method to On to allow users to change the authentication method they can use for secure mails.
    • If it is toggled off, users cannot change the authentication method from the default set by the system admin.
  5. Toggle the Allow employees to change their default method option On to allow users to change their default authentication method when they send secure mail.
    • If it is toggled off, users cannot change the default authentication method when they send secure mail.

Retention Period 

Here you can set all the default retention periods for all the authentication methods as well as the drop box. These can be altered by users within your firm when sending secure mail if they wish. The range of retention periods goes from 1 day to 7 years.

  1. Click Message Options .
  2. Click Retention Period to expand the retention period settings menu.  
  3. Click the Question and Answer drop-down to select a retention period for items sent using the question and answer authentication method. 
  4. Click the Access Code drop-down to select a retention period for items sent using the access code authentication method. 
  5. Click the Drop Off drop-down to select a retention period for items received via drop-off links. 

Authentication Questions

Here is where you can set the Question & Answer authentication questions for your entire firm. Any question entered here will appear in the Compose Mail section for all users.

  1. Click Authentication Questions
  2. Toggle the Allow employees to add their own questions On to allow users to add questions. 
    • If it is toggled off, users cannot add their own and must use one of the ones already created in the Admin Settings.
  3. Toggle Allow employees to change their default questions On to allow users to change their default Question & Answer authentication methods. 
    • If it is toggled off, the question that is set as the default in the Admin Settings will be the default for all users.
  4. Click the Delete icon to delete all selected questions. 
  5. Click Add New Question to add new firm-wide questions that will be available for all users.
  6. Hover over a question to display the editing options. 
    • Click the Edit icon to edit the question. 
    • Click the Delete icon to delete the question. 
    • Click Set as Default to make that question the firm-wide default. 

Support Contact

When you send a secure mail to someone or when someone clicks the link to your Dropbox they will see a support contact in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This person can be contacted by the client if they have any questions or concerns. 

  1. Click Support Contact.
  2. Click the Choose contact drop-down to select a support contact. 
  3. Toggle the Display Phone Number to On to display the support contact's phone number. 
    • If it is toggled off, only the support contact's name and email address are displayed. 
    • Name, email address, and phone number are pulled from the user's My Account details. 

Drop Off 


These settings allow you to set restrictions on the drop-off links for users within the firm. 

  1. c
  2. Toggle the Allow Address Book Lookup option to On to allow clients to see a list of all drop-off enabled users in the To field when using a drop-off link. 
    • If it is toggled off, the client will have to enter a valid email address for your Company drop-off link. 
  3. Toggle the Allow Personal Drop-Off Links option to On to allow users to have their own personal drop-off link. 
    • If it is toggled off, users will only have access to the Company Drop-Off link. 
  4. Check Allow user to Manage drop-off links in mail notification to allow the user to customize the drop-off link that appears at the bottom of the email. This is managed in My Settings
  5. Toggle Send download notification to the sender/client to On to receive a notification when a client has uploaded documents. 
    • This will only apply to documents uploaded via your drop-off link. 
  6. Toggle the Enable Spam Filtering option to On to send all drop-off items to the spam folder first.
    • An exception is if the drop-off recipient is whitelisted.

File Type Restriction

Here you can restrict certain file types from being uploaded through the drop-off link. 

  1. Click Configuration
  2. Click File Type Restriction. 
  3. Click the Manage file types search bar.
  4. Select the file type you wish to restrict.
  5. Click the X to delete restricted file types.
  6. Click Save. 


These settings allow you to manage drop-off access for those who send and receive messages via the drop-off links. 


Please note:

This setting is only available if the Enable Spam Filtering setting is enabled in the Drop Off Configuration. Recipients who are in Client Management will be automatically whitelisted. 

Anyone who sends mail using a drop-off link is added to the Senders section as blacklisted. To whitelist a sender, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Users.
  2. Click Senders.
    • This will open the Senders configuration menu. 
  3. Hover over the sender's email address you wish to whitelist. 
    • You can also use the search bar to find the email address. 
  4. Click the Whitelist button. 
    • You can also Blacklist senders with the same button if they are already whitelisted.  


Every user in your firm with access to Exchange will be listed in the Recipients section.  By default, each user does not have access to a personal drop-off link. 

Enable Drop Off Access

Enabling the drop-off link will give the user access to a personal drop-off link, and be added as an available recipient in the company drop-off link.

  1. Click Users.
  2. Click Recipients.
  3. Locate the user you need to able the access link for. 
  4. Click Enable.
    • You can also Disable, by clicking on the same button if the user is currently enabled. 

Manage Company Drop-Off link

The firm can choose if they would like to have a default user. This is the user who will appear as the recipient anytime someone opens the company drop-off link. 

If the user is the default recipient, it will show as Default in the drop-off link details. 

Manage Default User

  1. Click the Action menu(..)
  2. The option will be different depending on if they are already the default: 
    • Remove Default - This will remove the user as the default recipient. 
      • If no other users are selected, no user will be in the company drop-off link by default. Clients will need to search for one of the enabled recipients. 
    • Set as Default- This will set the user as the default recipient.


The firm can determine access permissions and settings for Message History. Settings are set individually between Sent and Received Item History. 


Even if the Item History reports are turned off, the information is still tracked. The information will be available when the option is turned on. 

Sent Item History

  1. Click Sent Items History.
  2. Toggle the View the Sent Items Historical report to On to allow all users to access the Sent Item History Report. 
    • If it is toggled off, no user will be able to access the Sent Item History report. 
  3. Toggle the View transfers of all users (does not provide access to links) option On to allow users to view all document transfers. 
    • If it is toggled off, users can only see their personal document transfer history. 
  4. Check View transfers of all users (does not provide access to links) to allow users to view all document transfers. 
    • If it is not checked, users can only see their personal document transfer history.
  5. Toggle the Resend Document Access Links (Also applies to My Portal Inbox) to On to allow users to resend access links to sent messages directly from the Sent Item History report. 

Received Item History

  1. Click Message History .
  2. Click Received Items History.
  3. Toggle the View the Received Items Historical report option On to allow all users to access the Sent Item History Report. 
    • If it is toggled off, no user will be able to access the Received Item History report. 
  4. Check View transfers of all users (does not provide access to links) to allow users to view all document transfers. 
    • If it is not checked, users can only see their personal document transfer history.


Here you can set the default notification options for your users. 

Message Notifications

Choose whether or not users and clients receive notifications when files are set to expire or when recipient has downloaded files.

Expiration and Download Notifications

  1. Click Message Notifications.
  2. Toggle Notify recipients when file(s) are about to expire to On to enable expiration email notifications.
  3. Select the Allow employees to update their Expiry Notification setting to allow users to personalize their settings around these notifications.
  4. Toggle Notify recipients when file(s) are about to expire to On to enable expiration email notifications.
  5. Select the Allow employees to update their Expiry Notification setting to allow users to personalize their settings around these notifications. 

Request Notifications

Choose if users will receive a notification when requests have been completed or re-opened. 

  1. Click Request Notifications
  2. Toggle Notify CPA when request(s) are completed to On to receive notification when client has uploaded all requested documents.
  3. Check Allow employees to update their Complete Notifications setting to allow users to personalize their settings around these notifications.
  4. Toggle Notify Recipients when request(s) are reopened to receive a notification when a document request has been re opened after being marked as complete. 
  5. Check Allow employees to update their Complete Notifications setting to allow users to personalize their settings around these notifications.

Document Request

Here you can manage document categories and templates that users can apply when using the Document Request List feature. 

Document Category

The document categories will allow firms to organize the document request items by categories. By default, SafeSend will provide a variety of categories for common source documents. 

Follow instructions below to add a new category for your firm. 

  1. Click Document Category
  2. Click Add Category.
  3. Enter a Category Name.
  4. Click Ok

Request Templates

Follow the instructions below to add a new template. 

  1. Click Request Templates
  2. Click Add Template. 
  3. Add Template Name.
  4. Add Description.
    • This description will appear to the recipient. 
  5. Add Tax Year and Due Date.
  6. Select the Document Category.
  7. Enter the Document Name and Description.
    • Description is optional. 
  8. Click Add Documents to add more documents to the template. 
  9. Click the Remove icon to delete a document from request. 
  10. Click Create.

Template Management

Please note:

To see the editing options, you will need to hover over the template name.

  1. Edit - Here you can update the name, description, due date, and document list. 
  2. Delete - Once deleted, this cannot be undone. 
  3. Copy Template - This will duplicate the template and display 'copy' at the end. You can then use the edit tool to update the settings.

Email Templates

Here you can customize the email templates that are used for new Messages and Requests. 


Whichever message is marked as the Default is sent to all recipients. These templates cannot be selected on a message or request basis.
  1. Click Message Email Template to edit the notifications for composed messages OR
  2. Click Request Email Template to edit the notification for requested documents
  3. Toggle Allow Users to add their own templates to allow users to add their own templates.
  4. Toggle Allow users to change default template to allow users to select a different default template then the firm default. 

Add New Template

  1. Click Add
  2. Type in a Template Name
  3. Enter the Text in the body of the message.
  4. Click Show Variable List to see bracketed variables that can be used to personalize the message.
  5. Click Set as Default to apply template as the primary message used for all messages or requests. 
  6. Click Add to add the new template. 

Edit Template

  1. Select the template you wish to edit. 
  2. Click Edit. 
  3. Edit details as needed. 
  4. Click Set as Default to apply template as the primary message used for all messages or requests. 
  5. Click Save. 

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