Access Exchange in New Outlook®

Follow the steps in our Download and Install the Outlook® Add-in article for installation instructions. 

Enable in New Outlook

After the add-in is installed, you can enable it in New Outlook®

  1. Click the Apps icon.
  2. Click Add apps.
  3. Click Manage your apps.
  4. Click SafeSend Exchange.
  5. Click Open
  6. Click Got it
View My Portal Inbox

See our Exchange Outlook® Plug-In article for more information about navigating the My Portal Inbox. 

  1. Select a message in your Inbox.
  2. Click the Apps button.
  3. Click SafeSend Exchange
  4. Click My Portal Inbox.
  5. Click Sign In.
Composing a New Message

See our Composing a New Secure Message from the Outlook® Plugin for information about message and authentication options. 

  1. Click New Email.
  2. Click the Apps button. 
  3. Click SafeSend Exchange.
  4. Click Sign In.


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