Add Users to Exchange

Users can be given permission to access SafeSend Exchange from SafeSend Returns. If they are not given permission, they cannot access the program. 

Please note:

Access to the User Management is only available to users who have been assigned predefined roles with User Management permissions enabled.

Add User to Exchange

The following steps outline how to update the permissions for an existing user. To add a new user, see the Account Management: User Management article. 

  1. Click the Navigation Widget in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Management
    • A new tab will open.Account Manag Nav 2.png
  3. Click User Management in the left panel. 
  4. Click Edit in the actions menu for the user. 
  5. Click Exchange in the list of available groups.  
    • This will automatically add it under the User Group section. 
  6. Click Update to save any changes made. 

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